Summer 2019 Pre-Reflections and Goals

Life / Friday, April 26th, 2019

I am both excited and nervous to be starting my second official internship at university. I am nervous because it is more technical than my first one, and I have been struggling to brush up on my technical knowledge. However, I am excited to be doing something that not only directly relates to my major in Smart-City Management and Technology, but also potentially impacting the smart city landscape in Singapore. Through this internship, I would want to improve my data cleaning, data visualisation and data analysis skills as well as research and writing skills. For soft skills, I aim to become a more confident and effective communicator.

My other goals for Summer 2019 include getting out of my own way (such as starting my blog!) and doing things ‘consciously’ as much as possible (not on auto-pilot mode). Hey, one down, 2 to go!

I actually have many other goals, especially from my new year’s resolutions, but I realised that it could be too overwhelming for me. Prioritising is key, and it means I must do whatever I can to work on these 3 goals I have set for myself this summer. No excuses or an overwhelming plate of commitments! Also, I chose 3 because Chris Bailey talks about the Rule of 3 in his books, The Productivity Project and Hyperfocus. Having just 3 priorities (in this case, goals) help us to better remember and focus on them.

What are your 3 summer 2019 goals? I would love to hear them.

Look out for my summer 2019 post-reflections!

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