Personal Update – December 2020

Personal Updates / Thursday, December 31st, 2020

2020 has been a year of growth for me. I discovered more about myself and learnt how to be kind to myself. There were many eye-opening moments and I learnt valuable lessons from them.

Give yourself a pat on the back. No matter what you did or didn’t achieve in 2020, show some love to yourself for making it through the year. Despite the ups and downs, be grateful for the experiences you had and be proud of yourself for simply being you.

How I Showed Up In December

I finished my exams, took a short break and embarked on a 5-week internship. I’m very grateful to have met amazing mentors who guided me along the way. Even though the internship was rather short, I still picked up a few skills and learnt more about the organisation.

I also did a year-in-review journaling exercise and listed the things I am proud of for myself in 2020. I highly recommend doing a simple reflection of your year as well. If you would like to take an in-depth look at your school term, you can use my term review journaling prompts.

December Favourite Tool

You’ve probably used the “schedule send” function in your inbox to deliver emails to your professors at decent waking hours. But have you used it to schedule emails to yourself?

Before the start of a new project, month or year, I type an email that states my expectations, goals and intentions. I also include a few words of encouragement in case I need a little confidence boost. I then schedule its delivery to the middle and end of the period so I receive it at the halfway mark and end date of the project.

It isn’t exactly a tool but an activity for you to consider doing. I found reading the letter incredibly helpful during difficult times. Not only did it give me a boost of support, it also served as a reminder for me to recalibrate my focus to the things that actually matter. You don’t have to wait until the next new year to start – just write and schedule it to deliver 3 months from now.

What I’m Working On In January 2021

January is always a time for fresh starts and new beginnings. As I conclude my internship and start my final school term at university, I am focusing on keeping things simple and fun.

My themes for 2021 are self-care, lessons, love, connection and alignment. I have intentionally made space in my calendar next month to work on the things that I love and enjoy my time in school before I graduate. I found that filling my cup first is just as important as serving others, which is why I will be making it a priority in 2021.

What are you proud of yourself for this year? What are your intentions for the new year?

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